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大森一慧著・大森英櫻監修表からは穀菜食料理レシピ、裏からは食養手当て法となっています。工程やポイントを写真・イラスト入りで詳しく説明。 【目次】 一慧の穀菜食BOOK お米をまるごといただく、玄米の食べ方いろいろ/まろやか風味のみそ汁・吸い物・スープ/ こだわりの粉と塩で作られた、四季折々のめん料理 /食卓に欠かせない、手作りのふりかけ・常備薬 /しなやかな体を作る、旬の野菜を使ったおかず /簡単にできる、ほんのり甘いお菓子とパン 一慧の穀菜食手当て法 ●症状別手当て法   しょうが湿布/しょうが酒湿布/里いもパスター/りんご汁/よもぎ茶/とうもろこしの毛の煎じ汁/黒焼きの作り方、他多数 ●宇宙法則研究会・一慧のクッキング料理教室・講座・健康相談のご案内 ●取扱商品のご案内 Written by Omori Kazuki and supervised by Omori Eiso. The front contains recipes for vegetarian dishes, and the back contains dietary treatment methods. The steps and points are explained in detail with photos and illustrations. [Table of Contents] Ichie's Vegetarian Food Book Eat the whole rice, various ways to eat brown rice / Mellow-flavored miso soup, clear soup, and soup / Seasonal noodle dishes made with special flour and salt / Homemade furikake and homemade medicines that are indispensable on the dinner table / Side dishes using seasonal vegetables to make the body supple / Easy-to-make, slightly sweet sweets and bread Ichie's Vegetarian Food Treatment Method ● Treatment methods by symptom Ginger compress / Ginger sake compress / Taro pasta / Apple juice / Mugwort tea / Corn silk decoction / How to make black roast, and many more ● Information on the Universal Law Research Group and Ichie's Cooking cooking classes, lectures, and health consultations ● Information on products available
