「からだの自然治癒力シリーズ」で、幅広い世代の方々から絶大なる支持を受けている著者が、満を持してお送りする、自然に暮らしたいと願う人たちのための出産・子育て本の決定版です。乳幼児の3人にひとりがアトピーや喘息に苦しんでいるといった報道に触れるたび、心を痛めてきた著者。食事を穀物や野菜、海藻を中心にしたものに変えることによって体質改善をはかり、薬を使わない自然な手当てをしてあげながら子どもたちを育てれば、たいていの病気は克服できるはず! そう長いあいだ考えてきたし、実際にたくさんの人たちを癒してきました。本書には、出産を楽にして丈夫な子どもに育てるためのレシピや、料理教室や講演のおりに受けた若いお母さんたちからの子育てについての疑問や悩みへの回答、地球にもからだにもやさしいグッズやウェアの情報などが、てんこ盛りです。いま子育て真っ最中のお母さんに役立てていただけるのはもちろん、近い将来、結婚・妊娠・出産を考えている多くの若い女性たちにも、ぜひ読んでおいていただきたい1冊です.
第1章 いのちを育む食事編
第2章 妊娠・出産・育児の悩み事なんでも相談
第3章 愛情いっぱい!手当て編
第4章 気持ちいい暮らしのグッズ編
第5章 自然な出産&子育て情報編
A bible for natural child-rearing that doesn't rely on medicine or hospitals! This book is the definitive childbirth and child-rearing book for people who want to live naturally, brought to you by the author who has received overwhelming support from a wide range of generations for her "Body's Natural Healing Power Series." The author has been heartbroken every time she reads reports that one in three infants suffers from atopic dermatitis or asthma. By changing her diet to one that is centered on grains, vegetables, and seaweed, you can improve your constitution, and by raising children while giving them natural treatments without using medicine, you should be able to overcome most illnesses! This is what she has been thinking for a long time, and has actually healed many people. This book is packed with recipes for making childbirth easier and raising strong children, answers to questions and concerns about child-rearing from young mothers she has met during cooking classes and lectures, and information on products and clothing that are kind to the earth and the body. This book will be useful not only to mothers currently in the midst of raising children, but also to many young women who are considering marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth in the near future.
From the table of contents
Chapter 1: Food that nourishes life
Chapter 2: Advice on pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare concerns
Chapter 3: Lots of love! Treatment
Chapter 4: Goods for a comfortable life
Chapter 5: Information on natural childbirth and childcare